Welcome back ChainGangers!
From Mike D. – great news – looking forward to seeing you back for our first session – next Wednesday 31st March – usual 7pm Start.
Everyone will be feeling rusty after the long winter break – we will be easing back very gently, so PLEASE don’t put off coming thinking you have got to get fit for your first Chaingang – just come on down!
Rides will still have to be in groups of 6 and Social Distancing, and we ask again that you confirm in advance if you are planning to ride.
New Members – Intro Rides
If you know anyone who is interested in joining – then we are planning Intro Ride Sessions Early eve : Tues 6th, Thurs 8th, Tues 13th and Thurs 15th April.
If you know of anyone – please get their details to us so that we can get back to them to book them onto a session.
These are very easy, aimed at all abilities and we insist on doing before newcomers attend their first CHG session – even if regular riders. We do this to be confident they are aware of our Safe Group Riding protocols, along with explaining membership etc. It’s also a great ‘soft start’ for those a little more anxious about joining a cycling club.
Thanks to those that have renewed already and please look out for reminders and details of how to renew.
Thanks and look forward to seeing you next Wednesday.
Cheers Mike – On behalf of your CHG Steering Group.