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Barnt Green Chuggers and Chaingang is based at the Barnt Green Sports Club (membership is required), and provides fun and friendly running and cycling activities for local people of all abilities.

Whether you are a beginner, want to run or cycle to keep fit, or want to run/cycle further and faster, all are welcome.
More about us


This is a fun group of runners of mixed ability who meet on Monday nights.

We have runners who just want to run at a gentle pace, through to some who are happy to push themselves, and all the levels in between.

Whichever pace you want to run at we have a group for you, so you never run alone.

The Chuggers

We are a small local club of all ability cyclists, who regularly cycle on Wednesdays and weekends.

We have access to the club, its bar, social and changing areas.

We don’t compete, but we do cycle as groups

  • in charity rides,
  • bikeathons and
  • endurance challenges.
The Chaingangers
Social Events

Wed 9 October: End of Summer/Into Winter social

Sat 7th Dec: Christmas Party & Awards Night

Chuggers events

Club Runs

Mon 28th Oct: Halloween Chug

Mon 23rd Dec: Mulled Wine Run

The Worcestershire Midweek Series
Weds 14th August: Clent (and Awards afterwards)
> Join through this Link…

External Runs


Chaingang Events

Sun 11th August: Churchfields ice cream ride

Sun 22 Sept: CHG 100 miler with Refreshment stops. Individual rides, rather than led groups

Sun 6th October: Treasure Hunt

Wed 9th Oct: End of Summer / Into Winter Ride and Social

Date tba 27-30th Dec: Crown Xmas / New Year Ride

External Rides