Organised club runs from Dec 7th
From Richard D
Monday 7th December will see the resumption of organised club runs again, as we emerge from lockdown.
The Tier 2 arrangements bring good news and bad news. The good news is that for an organised group, the Rule of 6 no longer applies, so we can run in our natural groups 1, 2, 3 etc. However we are advised not to cross tier areas, so Cofton Park and Rubery are off-limits for the Monday nights for the foreseeable future.
As previously, please adhere to our risk mitigations, in summary:
Before the run: Don’t attend if you have symptoms. Remain distanced and assemble in groups in the club car park. Group in small groups and listen in to briefing on route and precautions by run leader.
During the run: maintain strict social distancing throughout, between yourselves, other runners, riders and public.
After the run: Please disperse quickly and safely.
If in any doubt, err on the side of caution and wait a few weeks.